Финално мултиплициращо събитие в рамките на проект ECO-EDU „Израснахме с ECO ресурси” в Пазарджик
A multiplier conference was held in Pazardzhik within the project ECO-EDU “We grown up with ECO resources” funded under the ERASMUS+ Programme on the 30th of June 2017.
The main purpose of the conference was to present the ECO-EDU manuals for teachers and students as well as a strategy document for educational collaboration between the two participating municipalities – Kocani and Pazardzhik. The manuals address the following topics: energy efficiency, renewable energy sources, environment protection, and open educational resources WEB 2.0. NGOs from Macedonia and Bulgaria gave a high evaluation to the project results.
The main purpose of the project was to teach “boring” topics like EE, RES, and environment protection to students from lowest classes by using contemporary open educational tools WEB 2.0. The sustainability of project results was ensured by the developed and adopted strategy for collaboration in education between the two participating local authorities from Bulgaria and Macedonia. Representatives of the Bulgarian NGO “Centre for Sustainability and Economic Growth” (CSEG) participated actively in the event by presenting the results achieved by the project, and also in the conference discussions at the closing stage of the event.