Cooltorise Project was presented at the XVIIth Conference of the Association of Bulgarian Energy Agencies – ABEA

Between 27.11 and 29.11.2022 in the town of Sofia, Bulgaria, was held The XVII Conference of the Association of Bulgarian Energy Agencies – ABEA. It was attended by the leading energy agencies in Bulgaria, municipal administrations from all over the country as well as other stakeholders. Association Center for Sustainability and Economic Growth (CSEG) was among the organizers of the event, and some of the topics discussed were related to the decarbonization of the Bulgarian economy: from strategic planning and financing mechanisms to energy management in municipalities, reducing energy poverty, creating energy communities, certification schemes and developing skills for designing and constructing zero-energy buildings.

The International Forum was held in a hybrid format – in-person and online.

During the second day, a separate panel was held on energy poverty and energy communities. It was as part of this panel that the project Cooltorise – Summer Energy Poverty and Measures for Cooling in the Summer Season, was presented by Mrs. Petya Tsarkova, senior expert at the association CSEG, to a large number of professionals in the field of energy efficiency, as well as to a large number of stakeholders. The main objectives of the project were presented, the activities carried out so far, the lessons learnt, the difficulties met during the implementation of the project and also what is going to be done until the end of the project was discussed.

During the discussion at the end of the panel, many attendees weighed in on energy poverty issues and some gave additional suggestions on cooling in the summer.

The presentation is available HERE