Investments in RES – opportunities and challenges

The second stakeholder event, part of DETOCS project, on the topic of “Investments in Renewable Energy Sources (RES). Opportunities and Challenges” was held on February 20th, 2024, at the Energy Office in Burgas, Bulgaria. Experts and representatives of public administrations and tourist sector, representatives of NGOs, energy agencies, and SMEs association discussed how investment projects in the field of renewable energy sources (RES) can help the Municipality of Burgas towards a sustainable energy society with an environmentally responsible tourism sector.

Burgas Municipality presented the project progress, and more precisely:

  • Best practices of green tourism projects from the study visit in Seinäjoki, Finland;
  • SWOT and PESTEL analyses of the Bulgarian pilot region – Burgas municipality;
  • Results and main findings from the questionnaires distributed to Bulgarian stakeholders in regards to the SWOT and PESTEL analyses.

The attendees were also introduced to the opportunities for financing SMEs for implementing measures to improve energy efficiency and reduce overall energy costs in their facilities, as well as the steps to obtain the international Green Key certificate, which is a leading standard for excellence in environmental responsibility and sustainable operations in the tourism sector.

The event initiated a public debate on the topic how RES projects could be deployed in the touristic sector, good practices in this area, stakeholder involvement, and what needs to be done at policy level.

Presentation of the DETOCS project and good practices from Finland

green key good practice