Project “Kids & Laws”, funded under the ERASMUS+ Programme

The “Educational approach for introduction of basis legal regulative and morale behavior norms for the preschool children” project, based on the UN Millennium Declaration and the European framework for quality preschool education, aims to create a novel educational concept for preschool children. The “Kids & Laws” project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme and has duration of 24 months, starting from 01.11.2023. From Bulgaria, the following organizations participate: Association “Center for Sustainability and Economic Development”, city of Pazardzhik and kindergarten “Edelvais”, city of Velingrad. Greece and North Macedonia also participated with one expert organization and one kindergarten. Through learning via “case studies,” the project seeks to instill the importance of legal regulations, moral norms, and inclusivity, ultimately shaping future citizens who actively engage in upholding shared values.

The project addresses the pressing need to promote values such as fairness, equality, respect, and independence through early education. By providing high-quality educational programs at an early age, children are better prepared to face challenges in social life and are less likely to engage in delinquent behaviors. Through this project, the aim is to create positive practices that will lead to a more respectful society, reduce crime rates, and foster honest, law-abiding citizens. Given the shortage of qualified teachers, the project also seeks to support and strengthen the skills of educators in preschool institutions.

The main goal of the project is to develop and implement an innovative educational concept for preschool children, focusing on the importance of legal regulations, respect for human rights, and reducing aggressiveness while encouraging tolerance. and reducing aggressiveness while encouraging tolerance. The specific objectives include upgrading the capacity of teaching staff to apply new educational methods, increasing skills for recognizing and addressing discrimination and deviant behavior, and involving teachers in creating teaching content and engaging parents.

The project’s innovative approach lies in introducing a novel educational program for preschool children, using “case studies” to actively involve children in understanding the consequences of violating legal regulations and moral norms. The focus on inclusivity and tolerance addresses challenges faced by minority ethnic groups, contributing to their proper inclusion in the educational process.

The primarily targets teaching staff, children attending preschools, and managerial and professional staff in partner kindergartens. The project addresses the need to confront aggressive behavior, intolerance, and discrimination among preschool children by creating a comprehensive educational approach.

The transnational project’s primary focus on strengthening the rule of law and human rights through innovative education holds immense potential for creating positive societal changes. By investing in early education and instilling values of inclusivity, tolerance, and respect for legal regulations, the project aspires to foster a generation of responsible and law-abiding citizens. The collaboration between partner countries and the potential for transferability ensures that the project’s impact extends beyond national borders, contributing to the broader goals of the European Union in promoting social harmony and equitable education.

Link to the project details on the Erasmus+ Programme