DETOCS Project Study visit and Exchange of experiences event in Seinäjoki, Finland

The international exchange event, “Decarbonizing the Tourism Industry Post Covid-19 Support,” unfolded in Seinäjoki, Finland, on November 7-8, 2023. The initial day centered on SWOT and PESTEL analyses, with regions presenting strengths and weaknesses in succinct 10-minute sessions. Facilitated by EIfI-Tech and Chris Ashe, an open forum encouraged discussions on analysis results and the formulation of regional good practices. The day also featured insightful site visits, including Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences, exploring virtual tourism projects, and the Kuortane Olympic Center, showcasing its commitment to achieving climate neutrality by 2027.

Day two delved into practical applications, starting with a site visit to Hotel Alma, where energy-efficient systems were introduced. Project activities and management discussions by Local energy agency Spodnje Podravje (LEASP), along with communication activities by EIfI-Tech, highlighted the importance of integrating sustainability into tourism practices. A networking lunch at Hotel Alma paved the way for discussions on future activities, including a joint thematic survey moderated by the University of Malta. The participants engaged in an open dialogue, planning the next event in Malta with a focus on sustainable tourism practices. The event wrapped up with a comprehensive summary of key takeaways and outlined plans for ongoing collaboration, leaving participants with valuable insights and a shared commitment to advancing global tourism sustainability.

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