Project partners of Cooltorise met for the first time physically in Thessaloniki, Greece on the 10th and 11th of November, 2022. The host organization of this remarkable project event was the Greek partner, ViLabs.
During the first day, project partners discussed the progress of each work package (WP), providing feedback on how to overcome potential issues, and what follows in the next few months. Partners discussed also potential synergies with other similar initiatives, and made a plan on the next steps: tasks, deliverables and milestones.
During the second day, organized in the form of Management Committee meeting, partners participated in a workshop with the purpose to define Cooltorise 2023 main objectives in terms of training activities and citizens’ workshops during the upcoming summer season. There was an online meeting with EMPOWERMED project, and more precisely with Mrs. Lidija Živčič, project coordinator, who shared interesting stories and good practices from this project. The EMPOWERMED project represents also a good opportunity for establishing synergies together with Cooltorise as both initiatives have similar activities, objectives, and similar target groups. The Project Adviser of Cooltorise, Mrs. Ana Sin, also attended this second day of the event, providing useful hints and advices on how to manage project activities.