Third Stakeholders Meeting in Bulgaria within the RuralYouthFuture project

On the 2nd of August, 2024, the third stakeholders group meeting within the frame of RuralYouthFuture project – “Improving the role of youth policies for rural sustainable development”, co-funded by the Interreg Europe Programme 2021-2027 took place in Peshtera, Bulgaria. The event was organized by the two Bulgarian partners, Association Centre for Sustainability and Economic Growth /CSEG/ and Municipality of Peshtera.

Experts from Association CSEG, presented the main objectives and upcoming activities on interregional study visits, exchanges of experience and best practices identification to the stakeholders. Also some best practices which were identified during the interregional study visits in Latvia and Estonia were showcased. A short overview of the monitoring and evaluation activities related to the Bulgarian policy document, the Plan for Integrated Development of Peshtera Municipality 2021-2027, was made.

There were various stakeholders who attended like representatives of public administrations (Peshtera, and Pazardzhik), Peshtera municipal educational department, social workers, representatives of NGOs (CSEG), an energy agency (REAP), and an SMEs association (NEST).

The event concluded with several discussions organized related to the improvement of youth policies for rural sustainable development. A special focus was given to the newly opened Municipal Youth Centre and what good practices could be transferred to it.