Second Training for Teachers Event within the project GAME EDU

In the period 02nd of June – 07th of June 2024, the Second teachers’ training event between the partners of the GAME EDU project was held in Athens, Greece.

During this event, representatives from NGO RAORIR, North Macedonia carried out training for using the final version of the Set of ICT interactive educational games kit. Each group of teachers (English, mathematics, science) tested all prepared games.

Each group of teachers worked jointly with NGO RAORIR on the finalization of the 5 operational plans for lecturing (one 40-minute school class) using a set of ICT-based educational interactive games.

The event activities continued with teachers’ training for using the eTwinning networking platform. The European School Education Platform is a meeting point for the school education community – school staff, researchers, and policymakers – to share news, interviews, publications, practice examples, courses and partners for their Erasmus+ projects. The eTwinning area is dedicated to eTwinners and their activities.

Teachers were also trained to use Open Educational Resources (OER WEB 2.0) for the presentation of the activities as an eTwinning project.

Another important training of teachers was the implementation for pedagogical approaches toward disadvantaged students. For its realization, a significant contribution was the association Center for Sustainability and Economic Growth (CSEG), Bulgaria.